Dress codes for work have been making a comeback in recent months, but some of them are a little vague as to what is considered workwear polo shirts are seen as being both smart and casual, depending on the business environment. However, overall attitudes have certainly changed over the last twenty or so years.

Over that time there has certainly been a relaxation in attitudes toward strict dress codes, and incorporating a more overall relaxed working environment which can prove to increase overall productivity of workers and have a positive influence in areas such as team building. It can also assist in promoting a friendlier or more accessible image for the company which can increase business.

Fewer than a quarter of employers now require their staff to dress formally at all times and most of these are in the banking and government sectors – whereas over half allow them to wear smart-casual attire, only requiring them to don a suit for business meetings. Today, people in many sectors are wearing polo Shirts and trousers to work., but it is interesting to note that employees as a whole do not seem interested in wearing jeans and trainers to the office, apart from on designated days as many feel that it is too casual and inappropriate. Although those working in more media orientated business’ do tend to be more relaxed about dress codes anyway.

Whilst dress codes can vary the vast majority of employers do want their workers to be as comfortable as the business environment allows and polo shirts are now see as acceptable, even though it is still advisable to keep a suit ready in the wardrobe for those important meetings and networking events, your normal working attire may be a little more casual, so if you require a great range of workwear polo shirts then look no further then the great range here at Brookes. We can even put your company logo on them , a great way to make them more manager friendly.