Let’s just be honest: Clothes shopping, for men, is a hard thing to grasp. They always forget their sizes, they don’t know how things are supposed to fit, and they can never figure out what is a good value item and what is just bad quality. But there is hope! Below are some great tips to buying clothes such as cheap mens hoodies that are also great quality.

Fit sits at the top of the pyramid. Everything else comes from it. If a garment doesn’t fit well, none of its other characteristics matter — it’s not going to look or feel good on you. Fit should always be your first stopping point when you consider a purchase. Especially when it comes to workwear, you don’t want a hoodie that is too tight, sleeves too short, or cuffs too long that they get in the way.

Fabric is key in determining the quality of a piece of clothing. If you’re not satisfied with the raw material, you’re not going to be all that satisfied with the finished product. It’s less of an absolute barrier than fit — you can have many degrees of quality, whereas fit mostly breaks down into “good” and “bad.” That said, fabric is still a crucial consideration. Consider a polycotton for long lasting wear wash after wash.

Style is about the image you want to present in a work environment. If something fits and is well made, but doesn’t give you the look you want, it’s still not a good purchase. Consider the level of formality your workplace requires and match this to the item.

Work your way through the pyramid in this order when you’re thinking about buying cheap mens hoodies. If something doesn’t fit, stop there. If it fits, but it seems cheaply made, skip it. And if it fits and is of good quality, but doesn’t feel right for your style, wait for something more suited to your tastes.

When all three intersect — then it’s time to buy.