An interesting story has arrived concerning mens workwear trousers from Sweden on how one group of employees is playing to the rules, but proving a point at the same time.

Sweden’s summers are quite brief but temperatures can soar, in excess of 90F, and one group of railway employees sees the wearing of long trousers as quite uncomfortable, and that shorts help to cope with the working conditions they face as they are more breathable. Unfortunately the company they work for was taken over in January and the new bosses introduced a dress code for employees that banned the wearing of shorts, deeming “long trousers and skirts” as acceptable under the new rules, as they wanted all workers to look ‘decent and proper when representing the company’.

Therefore, a dozen of the male train workers, drivers and conductors, have done just that in protest against the rules banning shorts, as temperatures have risen they have swapped their long trousers for skirts so that they feel comfortable as they do their job. The company have given their blessing as to tell the male workers they couldn’t wear them would have contravened Sweden’s discrimination laws. A spokesman for the company, Aviva, stated ‘that he didn’t rule out a change of the company’s uniform policy’ in the near future.

The workers, who operate the Roslagsbanan line north of the capital Stockholm, are only wearing the skirts on warm days, opting for trousers in cooler conditions. They have received a few stares from customers but the response to their situation has been positive from passengers.

Well whatever they choose to wear, whatever there requirements, be it mens workwear trousers, shorts or skirts they will find we can supply all just by checking out our website. We can even add the company logo for them using our in-house personalisation service. We would probably save them a few pennies in the process.